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OPIRG Brock's Anti-Capitalist Gift

The Anti-Capitalist Gift List was created to provide an alternative to the wasteful consumerism that is prevalent throughout the Western holiday season, instead focusing on investing our time and dollars into our communities.

Active and informed gift giving both allows us to navigate current systems while investing back into the community as a means of practicing collective care, mutual aid, and working towards our collective liberation!

This list includes OPIRG Brock items and memberships for sale, as well as other organizations looking for support and donations.

DisOrientation Guide to Niagara V2 - Hard Copy

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The Coming Out Monologues V2 - Hard Copy

$20 per copy (+ $5 shipping for all mailed orders)

Order Form

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Activist Grab Bag

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Last updated: June 2024

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© 1988- 2023 by Ontario Public Interest Research Group Brock              Contact Page



The work of OPIRG Brock primarily takes place on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, Wendat, and Chonnonton people and home to many Indigenous people from First Nations from across Turtle Island, Metis, and Inuit people. A key treaty governing this territory is the “Dish with One Spoon” agreement. This treaty between the Anishinaabe, Mississaugas and Haudenosaunee binds them to share the territory and protect the land. Subsequent Indigenous nations and peoples, settlers and all newcomers, have been invited into this treaty in the spirit of peace, friendship and respect.


To learn more about the treaties in your area, we recommend checking out

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