Show up in solidarity & support for our trans community members for Niagara’s annual Transgender Day of Visibility events!

The Niagara Transgender Action Coalition is calling upon our community members and allies to support members of Niagara's transgender community by participating in two events celebrating the International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) on March 28 and 31.
Trans Day of Visibility is observed annually on March 31 to honour the joy and resilience of trans and nonbinary communities. This year, we gather to celebrate and show solidarity, despite the vicious attacks threatening the health and basic human rights of trans people in the United States and Canada. Over the past few weeks, we have seen the Trump administration ongoing attacks on trans people – restricting their access to healthcare, banning their identities, and repealing their civil rights. Here in Canada, provinces are ending gender affirming care for young people as well as barring them from using chosen names and pronouns.
For more information or to arrange a media interview with either Colleen McTigue (she/her) or Mo Constantine (he/him) from the Niagara Transgender Action Coalition, please email
Schedule of Events:
Friday, March 28th | 7pm - 9pm | Community Crafting at Silver Spire United Church St. Catharines
Monday, March 31st | 3:30pm | Flag Raising at St. Catharines City Hall
Monday, March 31st | 5:00pm | Solidarity & celebration march starting at St. Catharines City Hall
Key Event Details & Accessibility Information:
General info (applicable to all 3 events)
This event is open to people of all ages and all genders
Dress the way you feel like is the most comfortable and best celebrates your gender identity and support for our communities!
Volunteer community marshals will be present to provide first aid and crisis intervention and deescalation if necessary.
Uniformed police are not welcome and will be asked to leave the event if they are present. If you need more information about the reasons for this choice, we recommend reviewing Appendix B in the OUTniagara Community Strengths & Needs Assessment.
Masking is encouraged but not required.
Supplies available on site - first aid kit, water, masks, hand sanitizer, sharps containers
Events are guided by the OPIRG Brock Safer Space policy. If someone is brought to the attention of the organizing team as being in violation of the practices outlined in the policy, organizers will ask that individual to leave and they will be provided with follow up contact info for NTAC as needed.
Friday, March 28th | 7pm - 9pm | Community Crafting at Silver Spire United Church St. Catharines
Monday, March 31st | 3:30pm | Flag Raising at St. Catharines City Hall
Monday, March 31st | 5:00pm | Solidarity & celebration march starts at St. Catharines City Hall
Getting involved
Put it in your calendar to attend! Often folks see events but forget to book it in their calendars! Start by booking these events in your calendar so you don't have to worry about forgetting about it or missing the events!
Bring a group/ team out in solidarity! If you are part of a team (e.g. union locals, youth groups, friend group, coworkers, etc.) bring out a team to the event and make signs to show your support!
Support your clients with attending! If you’re a social service provider, help facilitate your clients’ participation by providing bus passes, transportation, information, and encouragement
We need volunteers - sign up as a group or an individual! Volunteer roles include: marshals, photographers, chant team members, folks to hold signs & banners, and on site support at the events. If you or a group you are connected with want to volunteer, please email
Promote on your platforms & to your networks! You can download the following graphics from this viewable folder to post to your social media or print and put up on your fridge, on your community cork board, or in your business window! If you do post on social media, please use the hashtag #tdovniagara so we can make sure to see it!
TDOV Announcement Poster (png | pdf)
I will be attending TDOV 2025 poster/social media graphic (png | pdf)
We will be attending TDOV 2025 poster/social media graphic (png | pdf)
Change your profile picture in the lead up to March 31! (pngs)
I will be attending TDOV! (Options Available: Pink | White | Blue)
We will be attending TDOV! (Options Available: Pink | White | Blue)
Sign up to volunteer at TDOV! - Coming soon!
Sponsor or donate to NTAC to cover the costs of TDOV, TDOR, and other events happening throughout the year! We have to fundraise and seek sponsorships and donations for all event expenses (e.g. speakers fees, supplies, etc.). Help us keep this work going each year!
All etransfers to, and include 'NTAC donation' in the message box.
For cheques, please make those out to OPIRG Brock, and in the memo line, please indicate NTAC donation
Coming soon - monthly donations through the OPIRG Brock Patreon!
Resources & links to check out!
Press Release - coming soon!
Chant list & sign ideas list - coming soon!
FAQ - coming soon!
The Coming Out Monologues V.2 - OPIRG Brock
Who is the Niagara Transgender Action Coalition (aka NTAC)?
NTAC is a group of community members and service providers who are committed to supporting and elevating transgender folks in the Niagara region through engaging in advocacy work and planning community events. We can be reached at
Current members of NTAC includes:
We also want to say a huge thank you to the ongoing support we receive from:
Brock SJC
Midnight Echo Productions